I tried to put up a Bloom Day post I really did. But there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day lately so try as I might, I was not ready to hit that "publish" button on the 15th. But even though I missed the mark, it is still June and things are still blooming so let's pretend it's the 15th and take a look at the garden.
I've been so busy trying to breath some life into the new gardens around the patio that I neglected to give some love to the semi established front gardens. Also, lack of measureable rain so far in June is forcing me to spend an inordinate amount of time watering. More time watering=less time gardening.
Truth be told though, much of my garden time these days has been spent plant shopping. I've been buying mostly shrubs, evergreens and a few small trees in an attempt to get some "bones" established before filling in with smaller plants and tender stuff. As you all know, plants ain't cheap so even though the wallet is taking a whack, most of the beds are pretty empty. Plus, I tend to go more for the unusual plants which are becoming harder and harder to find.
May has always been container planting month for me and I did switch gears in May for a bit to get that done. I've downsized the number of containers from the hey day of my former garden but I still enjoy playing with them. As time goes on I will likely invest in some new ones but not this year.
If you've been following my blog for a few years you may remember my orange pot on a Sycamore stump in front of the shed in my former garden. Well the orange pot is back on a stump which is not near the shed but I couldn't be happier with the location. |
I love Dichondra 'Silver Falls'. Maybe too much as I've used it in t least half a dozen containers this year. |
Coleus Rustic Orange, a yellow shell impatiens (sorry no time to go out and pull the tags), and one of those bronze Carex varieties that some people think look dead. Schnauzer statue for posterity. |
Scaveola, Lantana 'Samantha' and Strobilanthes in one of the two new matching urns on the sitting walls. |
Lots going on here. Hope my pinching fingers will be up to the task. |
'Mary Rose', one of the two roses I inherited and saved from the patio contractor's backhoe last summer. Despite a blast of insecticidal soap, rose sawfly continues to taunt me. I hate roses :). |
Geum 'Totally Tangerine' has been a winner. Totally. |
Symphytum x uplandicum 'Axminster Gold' fronting down a blooming Physocarpus 'Little Devil' |
I'm so glad I had the presence of mind last fall to plant a dozen Allium 'Globemaster'. They went by a few days after this pictures was taken but I will add more this fall. |
Clematis 'Betty Corning', and Gillenia(Porteranthus) trifoliata |
A closeup of Betty. |
Phlox glaberrima 'Triple Play' |
Peucedanum ostruthium 'Daphnis' has really taken off planted on the north side of my house. |
First blooms on Hydrangea serrata 'Tough Stuff'. And tough it appears to be. |
Salvia 'Caradonna' is starting to poop out. These are first year plants. |
Agastache 'Kudos Mandarin' is sold here as a perennial but if it returns next year I'll consider it a bonus. Notice all the empty, mulched area. Send plants! |
I tried Camassia for the first time this year. This is C. leichtlinii alba. I also grew two blue varieties and preferred them over the white. Once the garden starts to grow in around them I think the effect will be better. |
Geranium 'New Hampshire Purple' is a pass along plant from my friend, Deanne's garden. |
I finally figured out how to grow Geranium 'Rozanne'-let it sprawl! |
I grew Lysimachia punctate 'Alexander' in my former garden and loved it but something(that I now know was sawfly larvae) used to skeletonize it. So far it's been fine here but I'm keeping my eyes peeled. Is anyone else done with sawfly? Here I battle rose sawfly, hibiscus sawfly, columbine sawfly and I guess Lysimachia sawfly. Insecticidal soap is only marginally effective. The systemics work but I won't use them because they are not pollinator friendly. |
A wide angle view of the front. I'll leave the back to your imagination for now. |
So there you have it. Today we welcome the summer solstice. I have a love/hate relationship with this one. I live for longer days and hate to see them begin to shorten even though it will be a while before it becomes noticeable.
I won't be hitching this post to the Bloom Day wagon, but if you want to see what is blooming on June 15th in gardens around the globe, go visit Carol at
May Dreams Gardens.
Maybe I'll be on time for July. In the meantime you can see more of what is going on around here by following me on
Incredible. The amount of work you have put into the garden ... and it shows!! Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteIt's so great to see your garden! I guess I need to check Instagram to stay current with what you're doing but another social media site feels a little like a rabbit hole to me. You've always done a stellar job with containers and I'm glad to see that hasn't changed. I love the Alliums. That was one I considered trying but not one of the 3 species I experimented with this year. After repeated failures, one of the 3, Allium rosenbachianum, actually did well for me this year. We'll see if it comes back for a second round next year but maybe I'll try 'Globemaster' too. Best wishes Sue!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kris! I prefer Instagram to Facebook these days but I agree with the rabbit hole comparison. In the past I've had almost too good luck with alliums. In my last garden A. christophii seeded and formed a grove!
DeleteLove that Agastache 'Kudos Mandarin', I’ve never planted an Agastache...hmmm....
ReplyDeleteMost of these long season bloomers are annuals here, at the best short lived but worth growing for the months of bloom.
DeleteYour gardens are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThanks William!
DeleteThis is definitely taking shape as a 'Sue' garden !I was surprised to see how well some of your beds are filling in. Thinking you have room to carve out another bed on the right in the last photo, lol.
ReplyDeleteThere is plenty of room to add beds here Kathy but I've got my hands full working with the ones that are carved out now :).
DeleteLooks great! Once again I'm amazed at how much progress you've made in such a short period of time. I'm in love with Tuff Stuff hydrangea (no hydrangeas for me, sadly). Also love that orange Geum, which I also can't grow here, as it's way too hot. The more I see your blog the more I want to move north.
ReplyDeleteYeah, as much as I bitch about the winters, as far as the East coast is concerned, southern New England seems to provide the best of both worlds.
DeleteBetty is becoming a favorite of mine as well. Fantastic job on the containers! The rest of your garden is looking great as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jason!
DeleteWow! That's an impressive amount of work you've already done in your new garden. Things are really coming together beautifully!
ReplyDeleteThe Betty Corning and gillenia border looks like it's been there for at least 5 years. I love that a very aggressive gardener lives here and is demanding quick results -- it really shows, Sue!